Spring Enticement


Enticingly placed among thousands of close-standing, newly-budded, tall, dark trees

float snowy white, delicate flowers, on leggy bush trees, in lacy clusters

like ghostly spirits

beckoning me to come…see…touch…experience

refreshing spring in the wild mass of knolls, hills, mountains of West Virginia


Hidden Greeters



Startled, I answered, “Hello!” as I walked by the stalls in the convenience store ladies’ restroom.

I paused for a second, looking around for the greeter, then continued to the last stall, feeling sheepish. Somebody in a stall must have just answered her cell phone.

Sure enough, I heard her start to chat by herself. So, I worried. The caller shouldn’t know where his or her conversation was taking place. Fortunately, the phone talker flushed first and finished the conversation at the sink.

Now, I’ll always wonder where someone is when I call, and I’m determined that I, myself, will never become a hidden greeter in the loo.


A Beautiful Afternoon


Deep baby blue Easter skies with

juicy full white clouds framing and

dappling the flat farmed countryside with

dark shadow splotches, bright sunburst patches like

spotlights searching for actors on a stage and

turning dark blue on the eastern horizon with

every object in high definition while

slashing rain blesses somewhere over there

A Judging Perspective


Have to sit in a junior high math classroom, for an hour and a half, to judge pairs of Duet Actors. Could be at home watching TV or working on hobbies, but I’m here alone, in a student’s desk, staring at whiteboards, massive encouragement posters, desks, carpeting.

Movements and foot-treads rustle and boom as people walk in the hallway or perform forensically in front of other judges nearby.

Spend time reading a book, taking swigs of water, getting up and doing exercise windmills, toe touching, leg stretches.

Forty-five minutes snail away, with my sighs, wiggling feet, thinking about the upcoming Easter break.

Muffled conversations, laughter, come and go in the hall.

Ask myself, how would I decorate the room if I were the teacher? and have colorful spiral hangings from the ceiling, when suddenly—a duet finally arrives!

How exciting! Can’t let on, though!

Morning Lochs

At dawning day
among the Kansas highlands
pools gradually appear
floating slowly, gently, lightly
between low rolling hills
swirling whitely, lapping
the bases of a starkly dark
oak here and an elm there
and spreading across
the highway with fingers
of translucent light
not quite reaching the other side
before my suburban splashes
through them without
the joyous sounds of splash
since it’s not actually water
just low lying vaporous fog